ROXY JULES just released a new single the 7th of February. It’s in Danish, called “Hvor skyggerne faldt” and is the first single from an EP that will be released later in 2025.
Her music is balancing on a knife edge between something very fragile and porous and something very noisy and confronting. The songs are revolving around distorted guitars, electronic beats, singer/songwriting and the most mesmerizing vocals and lyrics.
ROXY JULES has been described as a love child of PJ Harvey, Mazzy Star and The Kills, but she definitely also has a sound of her own.
ROXY JULES challenges the listeners with musical complexity where contrasting elements constantly collide. Noise is a very important part of the music. In all the songs you hear noise somewhere. Sometimes it just lurkes quietly in the background, other times it grows into loud and confrontational noise - no matter what it is always there somewhere.. ROXY JULES' cinematic universe shows how beauty, longing, bloodthirsty noiserock, singer/songwriting and raw power can interact in the best possible way.
ROXY JULES has released first four full-length albums and then the two EPs "Into The Vastness Of It All"(2023) and “Still Falling Through The White” (2021). The lead singles from both the EPs reached high rotation on Danish National Radio P6, were played by Simone Marie Butler (bassist Primal Scream) on her radio show Naked Lunch on Soho Radio and were featured on quite a few international blogs and playlists.